Holistic Coaching

Somatic Trauma Recovery

how somatic trauma recovery works:

Any life experience that causes us to feel overwhelmed or threatened, such as an accident or a kundalini-rising experience, as well as chronic stress and anxiety can manifest in our nervous system as “trauma” and lodge in our body and energy field.

If you are experiencing a continual sense of anxiety and hyper-arousal of your nervous system that keeps you feeling disconnected and un-grounded, this Somatic Trauma Recovery process creates a safe container where Catherine Siri Sat will assist you to gently look at how family dynamics, cultural expectations and unprocessed emotions from both adult life and childhood situations are affecting your ability to feel safe and supported. 

With a goal of creating a safe container and honoring the wisdom of your body/mind connection you will be assisted in creating a sense of support from within that allows you to identify and releasing core patterns from your mind, emotional field and physical body that hold unresolved pain and self-limiting fears. By gently harmonizing your nervous system and connecting with your Authentic Self Catherine Siri Sat will assist you to create your own toolkit for empowered, balanced living.

Your whole body-mind will be honored as you move through this process at your own pace. 

Please contact Catherine to discuss your specific goals and discover what best fits your needs. It is often wise to have a series of sessions over time to allow the body, mind and energy field to remember and re-pattern a return to your essential wholeness.

What people are saying

“Catherine is the first healer to recognize our adult son’s unconventional experience of channeling universal energies that most of us never experience or are aware of. Hospitalized for a psychotic bipolar episode, psychiatric professionals did not listen to his pleas for help for how to deal with the energy experiences consuming his mind, body and spirit. While this is seen as psychotic experience in Western medicine, healing practices based in the eastern philosophies that Catherine practices give understanding and direction on ways to redirect these energies, and strategies for what to do when these episodes come along at home. While medication may be helpful for some people, it left our son bereft of any way to deal with the unrelenting primal fears that would overtake him. Now, after 7 sessions with Catherine, he has learned how to shift to those energies into healing. I have learned ways to support him during his nightmarish experiences. As a survivor of my own father’s suicide, my son’s brush with agony that at times left him in utter pain and hopelessness, where suicide became the most humane solution on the horizon, this has been a life-altering experience for me. Catherine’s own spiritual and healing journey, and her guidance for others based on in depth training and professionalism, has been invaluable in regaining our son’s life, and my own. For that I am truly grateful.” --RAO, witness, parent, seeker - St Paul – June, 2016

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