Bodywork + Energywork

Integrative Soma-Soul Process

These integrative sessions combine:

Global SomaticsTM Process,
New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation process
Ancestral + Other Lifetime Clearing

to optimize your soul-body relationship based on cultivating your own connection with the energy of Love, non-judgment and freedom from fear.

Each session is a unique combination of these approaches based on your  intention at the beginning of the session and unfolds based on dialogue with your body, your soul aspects and your optimal spiritual healing team facilitated by Catherine Siri Sat.


What is the New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation process?

All life on Gaia(planet Earth) is experiencing a time of rapidly evolving awareness in the interconnectedness of all of creation. Each human is invited to participate fully in his/her own evolution through a commitment to self-love, non-judgment and releasing fear on all levels of his/her soul.

How do we heal our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies?

The process of transforming into optimal health occurs when a person realizes the true power of being human is LOVE.
The most important challenge in integrating this LOVE is to LOVE ourselves.

We are born to LOVE, to live in LOVE and to create from our hearts rather than from the limitations of our mind. When we live in fear, we give our power away to fear, but when we allow the frequency of LOVE to guide us we clear fear,release judgment and transform our lives in a way that affects us and everyone around us. Only then are we truly FREE to be who we really are.

Catherine Siri Sat is attuned to New Paradigm MDT, the transformative energies of Shamballa and Mahatma which are ever-expanding frequencies of unlimited, unconditional love. As she channels these high vibrational energies and connects with your multi-dimensional soul aspects Catherine Siri Sat acts as a facilitator providing a safe container for your own I AM Presence to release fear, harmonize your energy field,  release limiting beliefs and clear your DNA so that you may activate your own higher frequency energetic set-point of LOVE and move into FREEDOM and JOY.

What is Ancestral & Other Lifetime Clearing?

It is a toolset to transform the past by working through issues and patterns in your ancestry and the many lifetimes you've been in:

We are all Divine Beings having a human experience over many incarnations and we can carry issues and patterns with us from other lifetimes as well as through our ancestry. Ancestral and Other Lifetime Clearing is a process of identifying and working through issues and patterns rooted in your ancestry and many lifetimes you’ve been in for heal your personal life, heal your ancestry, resolve past live and transform simultaneous lives. Some common issues to address are soul fragmentation, energetic cords, emotional imprints and lost souls in the energy field. Recommended prerequisite: Disconnection from the Collective Shadow and Cellular Activation.

What is Disconnection from the Collective Shadow (DCE) and CellularActivation (CA)?

DCS is a multi-step process that disconnects you from the collective (humanity’s) heavier issues, patterns and problems. This is important since we are all interconnected and all affect each other. This disconnection process helps you feel lighter and happier.

CA is a three phase process that helps you to  let go of the past, on a deeper level, and bring in your life purpose information so that you begin to attract more optimal experiences. It also brings in energies of your own masteries on a higher soul level to raise your vibration to a higher level. You will feel lighter and have advanced perceptions about yourself and others.

These two processes were developed by Maureen Higgins in 2005-2008 to assist people’s physical bodies in letting go of past difficulties and traumas so that they can be healthier and happier and live in alignment with their spirit.

Disconnection from the Collective Shadow

Because all people on Earth are energetically connected to both the positive and the negative beliefs, patterns and experiences that have occurred on this planet, there is a collective energy matrix that holds those patterns in place.

The positive beliefs, patterns and experiences are not an issue; however, the negative beliefs, patterns and experiences that we call the “collective shadow” have made it almost impossible for humans to align with their spirit and connect with love and joy. This “collective shadow” is the sum total lower vibrational energies of all the ways that humans hurt each other and thrives on isolation and victimhood rather than collaboration and mastery.

Maureen was shown that it is possible to disconnect from the Earth’s collective shadow energy matrix through a process that begins with an intentional statement to Disconnect from the Collective Shadow energy matrix followed by a process of releasing blocks from the heart which then makes it much easier for a person to work on his/her own personal issues and blocks.

Catherine Siri Sat assists your higher self in this process you will feel lighter and happier.

Cellular Activation

After a person has been disconnected from the collective shadow it is much easier to work with the physical body to assist it in becoming able to hold more of the “light of a person’s soul” and and bring in your life purpose information so that you begin to attract more optimal experiences. This is because once the density of the shadow energies is disconnected there is literally more capacity available in a human body to fill with love, compassion and joy. It is then possible to activate the physical body to hold these higher frequency energies at a cellular level and bring in the energies of your own masteries on a higher soul level. You will feel lighter and have advanced perceptions about yourself and others.

These 2 processes jumpstart the process of self-awareness, higher consciousness and self-mastery that leads to a healthier and happier life.

Further benefit occurs with continued, regular energetic clearing.

What is the Global Somatics Process?

It is a comprehensive body-mind-spirit approach to facilitating health and vitality using movement, sound, vibration, touch, and psycho-physical processing. The Global Somatics™ Process honors each person's connection to their "Natural Body" and empowers each individual to activate the channels between their physical body and energy field for Authentic Healing, Self Realization and Conscious Evolution. 

It is both therapeutic and educational.

Through the art of relationship the client and Catherine Siri Sat co-create a shared experience at the level of cellular conscious that allows a state of wholeness and vitality to emerge using a process of re-patterning through the use of:

- energy resonance
- movement education
- intentional touch
- sound current
- breath
- emotional processing 

 Each session is unique as an expression of both the client's intention and the fluid state of their Natural Body at that point in time

The result is a sense of wholeness and deeper connection to both Nature and Spirit residing throughout the physical body and energy field.

"The Natural Body is a dance between the systems of the physical body and the energy field that permeates and surrounds the body. 
This dance consists of developing patterns of movement that grow and transform from conception through death. These moving patterns reveal and create dynamics of perception which connect aspects of self-sensation and movement, energy, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, soul, spirit and one’s unique purpose for being here on earth. 
Embodiment is an ongoing process of actively seeking and openly allowing the body to reveal its consciousness and clear its trauma." ~ Suzanne River, founder of the Global Somatics Process 

Each session unfolds as a co-created experience between the client and Catherine Siri Sat that nurtures embodiment – the life process of actively seeking and openly allowing the body to reveal its consciousness and to reconnect with the energy field. 

Through the Global Somatics™ Process, harmony and balance are restored, allowing  both space for and connection to the healing and transformative wholeness that moves within the Natural Body.

The Global Somatics™ Process honors its roots in Anatomy/Physiology, Dance, Body-Mind Centering (BMC™), Somatic Movement Education, Authentic Movement, Movement Therapy, Contact Improvisation, Carnio-sacral Therapy, Yoga, Energy Medicine, Voice, The Arts, Shamanism and Ceremony.

Contact Catherine Siri Sat to discuss your specific goals and determine what best fits your needs.

What people are saying

"Catherine has a playful, sweet and endearing energy. She inspires me to open up to my healing self and take small steps that seem to yield unexpected, delightful results. I never really know what we will do when we work together, we both explore together and it is a very satisfying process." ~B.B. March 2012 St Paul, MN

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